Thursday, July 4, 2024

A Game Reviewer From Scratch!?

Most of you who know me or know of me realize that I'm more than just your average gamer. You've likely read my reviews, or saw them posted somewhere on the internet. Be it social media or some streaming site like Youtube. 

Though I've been at it for over 13 years my review career still pales in comparison to my overall time as a gamer. Something I feel should be the case for any tried and true gaming journalist. It's that long term experience with the hobby that led me to seek out my first developers, and publishers after establishing a free blog via Blogger sometime in 2011.

This blog debut which carried over my PSP username as the title gave me access to a world I'd only previously dreamed of being a part of. I had grown up admiring the writers of the gaming magazines, and strategy guides. Never thinking that one day I'd be a part of that community. 

When I first begin it was with reviewing what I had at the time. This was during the Xbox 360 era of consoles at a time when the indie scene was at it's prime. I decided, for whatever reason, that the best entry point into games journalism would be the indie scene, and it proved to be true.

As Xbox's latest indie efforts made mainstage headlines time and time again from old and newer outlets alike I set out to make a name for myself. If memory serves me well the first indie I reviewed on the blog that was given by a developer was an XBLIG release known as "Bloody Checkers". I knew that even though it was a low budget release that I had to prove my worth to the devs, and that I did. 

From that point forward nearly every Xbox indie dev or publisher I contacted with a request was willing to give me a chance. Like them I was trying to get noticed on a big scale, and it's that mutual situation that earned me plenty of work for the span of the console's life cycle. 

I was churning out reviews like a one man review army, and if you really dig deep on my gaming blog you'll see tons of XBLIG and XBLA reviews alongside special event articles that highlighted some of the industry friendships I made among the developer crowd. Passion was at it's peak back then, and gaming at it's prime.

Fast forward some odd years later, and the hype died down a little ushering in an age of journalistic competition, and a struggle to get onboard with bigger publishers and developers. I found myself, for the span of a few console generations, trying to play keep up as the reviewer scene boomed, and business in the industry became more serious. No longer was it that playful entry into the trade that I had experienced before, but more so a job in the making. Something I told myself time and time again I did not want to turn my efforts into.

As time ticked away and the days, months, and years passed my commitment and struggles were compounded. I found less and less time to commit to the grind, and when I could commit finding willing devs and PR became a hassle. Even with years worth of work under my belt every time a new developer entered the scene or a new publisher took over I found myself having to sell my brand over and over again. The PR overturn was real, and I did end up losing some established connections during the transitions. 

Even with the struggle I kept on, and to this very day I seek work under Sisyphean circumstances as I battle algorithms, shifting metrics, social media shadow banning, and the fight to stay relevant in a work field that has a tarnished reputation due to the bad actors and actresses among us. 

Through the thick and thin I do my best to stayed connected to old friends while trying to make new acquaintances, and build an even larger audience though. Mind you, it never was or never has been about the fame or fortune. I never once monetized or placed ads on my blogs. It was always about connecting with likeminded individuals, sharing the love of gaming, and making friends through gaming. To that end I succeeded. 

I have had the pleasure to interact, game, and chat with some of you throughout the years, and lot of you have been a blessing to me and my efforts without even saying a word during that entire time. It has made this journey worthwhile, and to be honest, if it were to all end today I'd retire happy knowing I left a legacy to be proud of. 

Memories of me and my antics might fade over time, but in the short term at least, what I have done on the side forgoes the gaming topics due to my to offerings of real world advice and help in an effort to make the world a better place. Using my gaming hobby as a segue into conversation and caring. It is that caring that I want to share with anyone who would have it. I hope that if you choose to follow me, as so many others have, that you too find something I do worth your time. I offer friendly advice, prayers, and will occasionally game with followers when I can. That, and my reviews are what you'll find as you follow me across the World Wide Web.

Thank you again for returning to read what this old gamer has to say. I appreciate it! Be sure to follow me via all the social links if you want the full Brad experience! Also any sharing of posts or uploads is greatly appreciated as it helps me connect with more of you! Please do consider doing that. Until next time I hope you game till your heart's content!

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A Game Reviewer From Scratch!?

Most of you who know me or know of me realize that I'm more than just your average gamer. You've likely read my reviews, or saw them...