Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Addressing DEI In Gaming | Brad's Thoughts

DEI as we know it stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The diversity part isn't truly diverse though as often times it excludes straight white males. Same for inclusion which is also not truly inclusive to the same degree. 

Equity, being the last part of it, is nothing more than a means for people to get something they didn't earn. It's why we get skin deep characters representing sexual preferences, and skin color. It's why games with DEI are doomed to fail, and why gamers do not buy into those games. Concord being a prime example of this fact.

As a gamer I want nothing more than to escape things like divisive identity politics, and the hateful discourse it stirs up. Make no mistake DEI is divisive. It is not meant to unite everyone in a mutually beneficial way, but instead unite everyone against a certain demonized demographic. That demographic being the core audience that made a lot of these studios adopting the agenda as big as they are today. 

Beyond the bastardization of all that is gaming, DEI chases a vocal minority that does not buy what they try to push on others. All they care about is the embedded message, and that's why their games fail quality standards. They turn games into preachy propaganda, and no one in their right mind wants to buy propaganda. 

I suppose it's ironic that the letters that make up DEI also spell the word DIE. For it is a hill that game studios go to die on. They sacrifice their business at the altar of divisive identity politics instead of seeking a majority audience, or offering something separate for both sides. There is no written rule that says games have to be all for straight white males, nor is there a rule stating that all games must cater to groups like the LGBTQ+. 

I think DEI needs to DIE. I think it should have never been a thing, and only serves to help divide and conquer the world further through a hobby so many share. If you truly want diversity let everyone have some of their own favored content, and if you wish to be inclusive don't exclude the straight white male crowd. Otherwise you come off as being a hypocrite like so many of the Left whose ideals are hypocritical in nature.

Those are my thoughts on the matter. Let me know what you think? Do you agree? Do you disagree? Why? ...

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